Embassy of the Republic
of the Philippines in Doha
Building No. 6, Street No. 549
Zone No. 66, Doha, State of Qatar
Consular Services Hours:
Sunday to Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The Philippine Embassy in Doha announces the vacancy of an Official Translator, Interpreter and Writer.
Interested applicants may submit the following documents through email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before, 13 January 2022:
Letter of intent (application);
Work experience/s;
Valid Qatari driver’s license;
Qatari Identification Card;
Police clearance;
Certificate of Good Moral Character;
No Objection Certificate form the current employer; and
2x2 photo
Applications submitted to the Embassy will be reviewed and applicant/s who meet the qualifications will be informed for an interview.
Philippine Embassy, Doha, State of Qatar
The Philippine Embassy in Doha announces the vacancy of an Official Driver, Messenger and Caretaker of the Chancery.
Interested applicant/s may email their letter of intent (application), work experience/s, valid Qatari driver's license and Qatar Identification card, and police clearance, NBI Clearance, Certificate of Good Moral Character and No Objection Certificate from the current employer and 2x2 photo to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before Monday, 13 September 2021.
Applications submitted to the Embassy will be reviewed and applicant/s who will meet the qualifications will be informed of the schedule for interview.
Philippine Embassy, Doha, State of Qatar