Civil registration is a continuous, permanent and compulsory recording of vital events in the life of an individual such as birth, marriage and death, as well as all decrees, legal instruments and judicial orders affecting his/her civil status in appropriate Registers as mandated by the Civil Registry Law. Civil registration was made compulsory in the Philippines with the enactment of the Civil Registry Law (R.A. No. 3753).
The Philippine Embassy as provided for in the Civil Registry Law (RA No. 3753) and Clerical Error Law (RA 9048), shall carry out and enforce the provisions of the Civil Registry Law of the Philippines in the following instances:
- Report of Birth (for those born in Qatar of Filipino parent/s)
- Legitimation due to Subsequent Marriage of Parents
- Acknowledgement or Admission of Paternity (R.A. 9255)
- Report of Marriage (marriages solemnized in Qatar)
- Marriage Solemnized at the Philippine Embassy in Doha, Qatar
- Report of Death
- Correction of Names and/or Clerical Error under R.A. 9048
All civil registry reports of Filipinos residing in Qatar should be reported to the Philippine Embassy in Doha not later than one (1) year from occurrence, for transmittal to the Office of the Civil Registrar-General, Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), Manila.
Any civil registry report made beyond the reglementary period of one (1) year shall be considered late, in which case, requirements for delayed registration will apply.