Documentary Requirements for the Petition for Retention/Re-acquisition of Philippine Citizenship under R.A. 9225 or the Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003.
Note: Please read carefully the General Instructions below before proceeding with the completion of the documentary requirements.
1. Accomplished, verified petition/application form (BI Form 2014-01-005 Rev 0);
2. Two (2) pieces 2x2 photograph with white background taken within three months from date of application;
3. Two (2) original copies of Oath of Allegiance to be provided by and taken before an authorized Bureau of Immigration (BI) Legal Officer or Embassy Representative;
4. ORIGINAL COPY of proof as natural-born Philippine citizen (e.g. PHL Birth Certificate, cancelled PHL passport, PHL Voter's ID, PHL Marriage Certificate indicating citizenship) or any other PHL-issued official document proving natural-born PHL citizenship;
5. Original and photocopy of valid foreign passport;
6. Photocopy of Certificate of Naturalization or other naturalization documents, with English translation if written in other foreign language, or affidavit stating how and when foreign citizenship was acquired;
7. For BI-Registered Aliens: (submit Affidavit of Loss if (a) and/or (b) are lost)
a. Original ACR I-Card or Alien Certificate of Registration; and
b. Original Immigrant Certificate of Residence (ICR) or Certificate of Residence for Temporary Visitor (CRTV).
8. In case of variance/discrepancy between name apprearing in Birth Certificate or other documents that prove former natural-born PHL citizenship and name in the foreign passport or Certificate of Naturalization or Citizenship or any documents proving foreign citizenship, submit the following:
a. Affidavit of One and the Same Person, acknowledging all obligations, responsibilities and liabilities under all names AND explanation on the discrepancies, and
b. Substantial proof on how applicant acquired the varied name/s, such as but not limited to:
i. Marriage Certificate;
ii. Annotation in the passport or Birth Certificate of the varied name;
iii. Judicial Decree of Change of Name, Adoption, Annulment or Declaration of Nullity of Marriage and Divorce or equivalent document;
iv. Annotation in the Certificate of Naturalization of Citizenship of varied name; or
v. PHL issued official document indicating the varying name/s.
FOR DEPENDENT CHILD (below Eighteen (18) years of age):
1. Accomplished Supplimental for Dependent Form (BI Form 2014-01-005 Rev 0);
2. Two (2) pieces 2x2 photograph with white background taken within three months from date of application;
3. Photocopy of Birth Certificate of Dependent Child;
4. Photocopy of valid foreign passport bio-page of Dependent Child;
5. For Dependent Child who are BI-Registered Aliens: (submit Affidavit of Loss if (a) and/or (b) are lost)
a. Original ACR I-Card or Alien Certificate of Registration; and
b. Original Immigrant Certificate of Residence (ICR) or Certificate of Residence for Temporary Visitor (CRTV).
(To avoid summary dismissal/delay in the processing of your application/petition, please be advised of the following)
1. The application form is written in English language. Enter legibly all the information required in the appropriate spaces on the form. If the information required is not applicable, please write "N/A." Do not leave any item blank. The BI will not act on application forms that are incomplete and incorrectly accomplished. All entries/answers must be in English characters only, in CAPITAL LETTERS, and no special symbols or characters.
2. All documents required for submission must be complied with, arranged in the order as listed above.
3. All sworn statements or affidavits must be original, signed and duly notirized.
4. All foreign documents must be original and authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate which has jurisdiction or by the PHL-DFA when applicable.
5. All original documents submitted as part of the petition will not be returned and will be submitted to the BI.
6. Submission of additional supporting documents may be required for further verification and evaluation of application.
7. It is recommended that you seek advice from legal counsel regarding dual citizenship prior to your application.
For more information and details on the general guidelines and procedures regarding dual citizenship, please visit the PHL Bureau of Immigration official website at