Filing & Releasing of Documents:
7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Sundays to Thursdays (No appointment required)

Filing of Documents: Processing Window

Releasing of Documents: Releasing Window

Fee/Payment: QAR100 per document

Mode of payment: Cash only (debit or credit cards are not accepted)


  • Attestation of legal documents issued in the Philippines to be used in Qatar 
  • (Examples: school documents, bona fide certificate required by Qatar, employment certificates, birth/marriage/death certificates, NBI clearance, etc.)
  •  Documents to be attested must first be authenticated by the Department of Foreign Affairs in the Philippines
  •  For higher education documents (TESDA certificates, college documents), must include the bona fide certification issued by the Philippine School or University, using the template issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of Qatar, (click here for template)
  •  Personal appearance of document owner or through authorized representative with valid identification
  •  Fee: QAR100 per document
  •  Releasing Time: Two (2) working days after payment; same-day release upon payment of expedite fee (QAR 40) before 11:00 a.m.; one business day upon payment of expedite fee (QAR 40) after 11:00 a.m.


  • The Embassy administers all oaths and affirmations provided for by law in all matters incident to the notarial office, and in the execution of affidavits, depositions, and other documents or writings requiring an oath or as are commonly acknowledged before notaries.


  • Applicants are required to attach a photocopy of their valid Philippine passport to the document/s to be notarized. The original Philippine passport must also be presented for verification together with the Qatar ID.
  • Applicants must present the original document/s to be notarized complete with all the attachments/annexes. 
  • Applicants shall submit one (1) original set of said document/s, including all the attachments and annexes, as notarized, to be retained for the Embassy’s file.
  • Personal appearance of the signatory/ies is required.
  • A non-refundable notarization fee of QAR 100 (cash only) is charged per document. 

Processing Time:

  • Acceptance of documents for notarization is between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Sundays to Thursdays (no appointment required).

For Affidavits such as Affidavit of Support and Guarantee, Affidavit of Loss,  etc.

  •  Releasing time shall be two (2) working days after the submission of requirements and payment; same-day release upon payment of expedite fee (QAR 40) before 11:00 a.m.; one business day upon payment of expedite fee (QAR 40) after 11:00 a.m.

  • For instruments such as Special Power of Attorney, Insurance Forms, Deed of Sale
  • Releasing time shall be two (2) working days after the submission of requirements and payment; one business day upon payment of expedite fee (QAR 40).

Important Reminders:

  • Notarial services provided by the Embassy do not include the preparation of legal documents or the drafting of powers of attorney, deeds, and documents of similar nature. It is the responsibility of the party availing of notarization to prepare their own document.
  • Embassy personnel cannot act as witnesses to the signing of the documents submitted for notarization.
  • The Embassy does not notarize Judicial Affidavits or any document requiring jurat following the rules set by the Philippine Supreme Court in its A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC.
  • For documents to be acknowledged, the Acknowledgement page shall indicate the name of the signatory/ies as indicated in their passport, not as indicated in the document to be signed.
  • If necessary, the Embassy may require additional requirements.
  • Requests for the correction of spoiled documents should be made within 24 hours after the release. Any documents returned after their release must be filed again with the corresponding fee/s. 
  • The applicant/s must bring their own copies of the documentary requirements. The Embassy does not provide photocopying/printing services. 
  • The Embassy reserves the right to refuse or reject the notarization of documents in the following instances:
  • The content/s of the document/s for notarization is on its face contrary to law, good morals, customs, or public policy; or
  • To prevent the use of the official diplomatic or consular seal and certificate in furthering any unlawful or improper purpose.

Additional Requirements:

     A. Affidavit of Support and Guarantee (for Hayya, Family/Visit, Tourist, or Work-Business Visa)

  • Completely filled-out Affidavit of Support and Guarantee (For Family/Visit, Tourist, or Work-Business Visa) (REVISED);
  • Photocopy of valid passport of the sponsor;
  • Latest Salary Certificate in English or copy of MWO-verified Contract of Employment of the Sponsor (as written on the printed visa of the visitor);
  • Printed visa of visitor downloaded from the Ministry of Interior – Qatar website (in English);
  • Medical insurance of the visitor; and
  • Round-trip ticket of visitor.

Note: Allowing a Filipino tourist to depart from the Philippines is under the sole authority of port officials, particularly the Bureau of Immigration.

     B. Affidavit of Support (for visits sponsored by foreign nationals married to Philippine Citizens)

     C. Special Power of Attorney with Affidavit of Support and Consent (for DSWD Travel Clearance     
          applications of traveling minor children in the Philippines)


    A. Authentication of Salary certificates or Contract of Employments in Qatar

  • Personal appearance of the document owner
  • Migrant Workers Office (MWO) in Qatar – verified salary certificate or contract of employment
  • Photocopy of valid Philippine passport of the document owner
  • Fee: QAR100 per document
  • Releasing Time: Two (2) working days after payment; one business day upon payment of expedite fee (QAR 40).

   B. Authentication of Qatar-issued legal documents to be used in the Philippines

         (Examples: School documents, marriage certificates, employment & training certificates, labor contracts, medical records or certificates, etc.) 

  • Original document with authentication stamp from the governing agency in Qatar, whichever is applicable:

         -   For grade-school documents F137, certificates, etc. - stamp from the Supreme Education Council
         -   For tertiary schools documents - stamp from the Ministry of Higher Education of Qatar
         -   For employment or training certificates, or labor contracts - stamp from the Qatar Chamber of Commerce
         -   For medical records or certificates - stamp or signature from Hamad Medical Hospital Records Section
             (public facility) or from Ministry of Public Health (private facility)

  • Authentication stamp from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of Qatar
  • May be filed by either document owner or by an authorized representative with valid Qatar ID or passport
  • Fee: QAR100 per document
  • Releasing Time: Two (2) working days after payment; one business day upon payment of expedite fee (QAR 40).


     (Examples: Certification of Change name, Residency, etc.)

     A. Certification of Change of name to be used in the updating of Qatar Residence Permit

  • Personal appearance is required
  • If change of name is by marriage: 
  • One photocopy each of new passport bearing married name and old passport bearing maiden name
  • Original and one photocopy of DFA-authenticated marriage certificate
  • If change of name is by annulment (married to single):
  • One photocopy each of new passport bearing single name and old passport bearing married name
  • Certified true copy and one photocopy each of annulment documents: court order and certificate of finality
  • Original and one photocopy of DFA-authenticated birth certificate
  • Fee: QAR100
  • Releasing Time: Two (2) working days after paymentone business day upon payment of expedite fee (QAR 40).

   B. Certification of Residency (used when applying for Travel Tax Exemption in the Philippines)

  • Personal appearance is required
  • Original Certificate of Employment in Qatar including employment start date in the company
  • One photocopy each of valid Philippine passport and Qatar residence ID (front and back)
  • Fee: QAR100
  • Releasing Time: Two (2) working days after paymentone business day upon payment of expedite fee (QAR 40).

Please note that the Travel Tax Exemption is subject for approval of the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) in the Philippines. For further inquiries regarding travel tax exemptions, please inquire directly with TIEZA at