Embassy of the Republic
of the Philippines in Doha
Building No. 6, Street No. 549
Zone No. 66, Doha, State of Qatar
Consular Services Hours:
Sunday to Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
DOHA 04 July 2024 — Her Excellency Philippine Ambassador to the State of Qatar Lillibeth V. Pono met with His Excellency Dr. Ali bin Samikh Al Marri, Minister of Labor of the State of Qatar, on 01 July 2024.
The two officials exchanged views on enhancing cooperation in the field of labor relations and other areas of mutual concern.
For more information, visit dohape.dfa.gov.ph, facebook.com/PHinQatar, or instagram.com/phinqatar.
DOHA 03 July 2024 — Her Excellency Philippine Ambassador to the State of Qatar Lillibeth V. Pono and Third Secretary and Vice Consul Monica Remsy Calangian joined the Philippine delegation led by Representative Ysabel Maria J. Zamora and Secretary of the House Committee on Women and Gender Equality Joy Elena C. Piccio in the 6th Global Conference of Women Parliamentarians on 26-27 June 2024 in Doha.
OrganizedOrganized by Qatar’s Shura Council, the UN Office of Counterterrorism, and the Qatar-based UN Program Office on Parliamentary Engagement in Preventing and Countering Terrorism, the two-day conference saw women parliamentarians from several nations exchange experiences, best practices, and views on the formulation and implementation of policies on security and counterterrorism.
Rep. Zamora was also invited in a separate meeting with Dr. Hamda bint Hassan Al Sulaiti, Deputy Speaker, where women’s role in legislation was discussed, including policies that protect women from all forms of violence and extremism.
For more information, visit dohape.dfa.gov.ph, facebook.com/PHinQatar, or instagram.com/phinqatar.
DOHA 25 June 2024 — In these extraordinary times, Filipino seafarers — with their utmost skill and professionalism — continue to play a pivotal role in ensuring that maritime vessels get to their destinations across all regions of the world.
Today, on the occasion of the 2024 International Day of the Seafarer, the Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines in Doha calls for measures to ensure the security of all seafarers in all maritime routes.
The Embassy also calls for the immediate release of Filipino seafarers caught in the cross-fire of conflicts and still being held as captives, and remembers the Filipino seafarers who have perished as a result of attacks against international shipping.
For more information, visit dohape.dfa.gov.ph, facebook.com/PHinQatar, or instagram.com/phinqatar.
DOHA 24 June 2024 — Her Excellency Philippine Ambassador to the State of Qatar Lillibeth V. Pono participated in a roundtable discussion on remittances, migration, and development at the UN House in Lusail on 11 June 2024.
Ambassador Pono underscored the need for safe, secure, reliable, and cost-efficient remittance modalities, given the profound impact of remittances on beneficiaries in particular and the overall economy of the destination countries in general.
She also highlighted the importance of financial literacy in order to make sure that the remittances sent to countries like the Philippines are provided sufficient opportunities for growth and contribute to long-term financial security.
Organized by the International Organization for Migration and the Embassy of Haiti in Qatar, the event marked the commemoration of the International Day of Family Remittances (IDFR).
The IDFR is one of the mechanisms to operationalize the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. According to the UN, the IDFR “highlights the economic impact of [remittances] on households, communities, and nations, and recognizes the sacrifice, separation and generosity often involved.”
For more information, visit dohape.dfa.gov.ph, facebook.com/PHinQatar, or instagram.com/phinqatar.