Photo Release - Pacman Visit - Oct 2015

08 October 2015 - Philippine Ambassador to Qatar Wilfredo C. Santos warmly welcomes Sagangani Congressman and world boxing champion Manny Paquiao upon his arrival in Doha. Rep. Paquiao is the special guest of honor at the 2015 International Boxing Association (AIBA) World Boxing Championships being held in Qatar from 5-15 October 2015. Part of his trip, the Congressman will be watching the scheduled bouts and provide moral support for the 2 Filipino boxers, namely: light flyweight Rogen Ladon and welterweight Eumir Marcial who are both vying to qualify for the 2016 Rio de Jinero Olympic games.         

In the photo, Ambassador Santos (left-side, left photo) together with Yousef Ali Al-Kazim, Qatar Boxing Association President, AIBA President Ching-Kuo Wu and Ed Picson, Amateur Boxing Association of the Philippines (ABAP) Executive Director. END