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DOHA 08 March 2025 — 
The Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines in Doha, State of Qatar, in partnership with IAM Filipina, joined the global community in celebrating International Women’s Day through the conduct of “Usapang Pinay,” a lively conversation among Qatar-based Filipino women who inspire and motivate each other through sharing of experiences and best practices.


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Held at the Embassy premises, the panel members were composed of distinguished Filipino women whose achievements not only demonstrated the capability to break gender bias, but also highlighted the power and impact of women in leadership roles in an expatriate community. The diverse group also presented a wider profile of Filipinas across different sectors.

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In his remarks, Philippine Ambassador to the State of Qatar, His Excellency Mardomel Celo D. Melicor, lauded Filipino women and their strength, resilience, and achievements in the modern world. He shared that expanding women’s opportunities and productivity is essential in  pursuing AmBisyon Natin 2040, the Philippines’ collective aspirations to foster inclusive growth and development that will be felt by every Filipino, including women.

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With topics ranging from cultural adaptation, community support, breaking barriers, advocacy and representation, and vision for future generations, among others, lively discussions ensued, with deep, fruitful and inspirational exchanges between the panel and the participants.

During the interaction with the participants, Ambassador Melicor encouraged everyone to further break barriers, champion gender equality, and create a world where every woman and girl has the chance to thrive. 

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