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DOHA 17 June 2024 — The Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines in the State of Qatar, represented by Her Excellency Ambassador Lillibeth V. Pono, took part in the inauguration of the three-day Eid al-Adha Family Day and 126th Philippine Independence Day celebration at the Al Arabi Sports Club on 14 June 2024.

Organized by KulinaryaQatar and Eventive Management Team, the joint Eid al-Adha and Independence Day event is one of the many Filipino community-led activities being held throughout the months of June and July in Doha.

Ambassador Pono thanked the organizers for their efforts and enjoined all Filipinos in Qatar to continue taking part in nation-building.

“As we celebrate our independence from our colonizers, we honor the legacy of our heroes,” Ambassador Pono said. “We Filipinos should remain committed in safeguarding and preserving our freedom, and should continue the enormous task of nation-building.”

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